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Space Force 10 Miler Training Week 4

Writer's picture: MyrandaMyranda

If I had known that we would be selling our house and moving to another state while training for this race I probably wouldn't have signed up for it. Week 2 & 3 were a complete wash for training. No running, no strength training, no stretching, only cleaning, scrubbing, and painting. I can honestly say that it is the best feeling knowing that every wall has been painted in this stupid house (except after writing this I realized that one tiny part of the wall at the stairs was missed). House has been staged, pictures taken, open house complete over the weekend and I am beat! I have nothing left in the tank. I am running on empty!

Before we dive into what I did this week, I decided instead of writing down what workout I'll do on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, if I decide to stick with all Peloton workouts, I'm putting together a stack. I can create the whole week's workouts and just do the ones for that scheduled day! The way I'm thinking I'll stack them is as follows: 10 minute full body warm up, 20-30 minute Strength for Runners (full body, lower, or upper), 10 minute full body stretch, foam rolling, 10-15 minute core workout, foam rolling, 20-30 minute yoga (either flow or restorative). I'm thinking that the foam rolling will be either immediately after running or in the evening after my run. I'm still trying to figure that out! Alright, now let's dive in!


TOTAL TIME: 2h 53m 12s

Day 1 - Rest Day

This was originally supposed to be a full body day but there was still so much left to do before the pictures were going to be taken. The contractors came to finish the floor and I finished the cutting in in my husband's office, painted the hallway and got most of the living space painted. At some point, two guys from the realtor's office stopped by to see if the house was ready to be staged. I looked at them and said that I had no idea that they were coming. I was feeling super overwhelmed and stressed. The realtor came over and made me feel better. We talked about how the stagers would come the next day for about a half hour. We would talk about what we needed to finish and then they would note what to bring and then they would stage on Wednesday morning and pictures would be taken in the afternoon. I felt like I could breathe again!

Day 2 - 2.8 mile Surges

I got up and the stagers showed up a little after 10am. I had to finish about a wall's worth of painting and they asked if I would have the boxes in the house packed up and moved out of the house within the hour. I said nope. Not possible. I told them what I was told the night before and turns out they were coming to see what they needed and come BACK to set up. I said not today! They helped me move some boxes and stuff in the garage to the storage unit and then my daughter and I ran to the store for some groceries. I spent the rest of the day painting, cleaning and arranging furniture. It was 8:30pm when I finally knocked out this run. I was exhausted but I needed to burn off some of this stress.

1 mile warm up (3.9-4.1)

1 min surge (6.1) 1 min recover (3.9) [Repeat 5 times]

1 mile cool down (4.1-3.9)

I don't remember if I added a 1% incline but this was my workout. For the warm up I ran at 3.9 to 0.34 miles then increased to 4.0 and ran to 0.67 miles and finished at 4.1 to the 1 mile mark. My final recover was a little longer than 1 minute because I walked until I reached 1.8 miles so I would have 1 mile for the cool down. I reversed the warm up for the cool down. I ran at 4.1 until 2.14 miles, 4.0 to 2.48, and 3.9 to 2.8 miles. I watched a couple episodes of Boy Meets World (highly recommend Pod Meets World Show if you like to listen to podcasts about people watching the shows they were on for the first time).

Day 3 - Full Body Strength

No picture taken but I nailed a 10 minute warm up, a 20 minute Strength for Runner's workout, and a 10 minute full body stretch. It was fun because my daughter joined me. She used her little weights (they're plastic and not heavy) and attempted to do the moves with me! It was so cute!

Day 4 - 3 mile Easy Run

This is the face of a person who forgot to take the sweat selfie ON THE TREADMILL after my run. This was taken about an hour after I finished. The other night when I was driving, I was listening to a Q&A episode of The Running Explained Podcast with Elizabeth Scott and during the episode she addressed the correlation between heart rate and your easy pace so today I focused on keeping my heart rate below 150. I put a post it over my time and speed on my treadmill and just focused on my HR and mileage. I got about a half mile in and remembered to add 1% incline. I think my speeds varied between 3.7-4.1. When I saw my heart rate going up, I focused on breathing and if that didn't help drop it then I dropped my speed. I also went back to my run 0.4 and walk 0.1 except for the last half mile...I didn't do my walk but just slowed my pace down. It felt good even though it pissed me off that it took 51 minutes. Day 5 & 6 - Rest Days

The house went on the market on Friday and we immediately started getting requests for showings so we were leaving the house and there just wasn't any time for anything. I thought that on Saturday morning I would be able to get my long run in before the first showing at 10:30am only to get home from working Friday night and my husband tells me that showing are starting at 9:15am. We had an open house on Saturday that ended at 3pm and someone had a showing from 3pm - 3:15pm. We got home around 3:30pm and were kicking off shoes and relaxing. I was getting ready to change for my run and we got a request for a showing...and then another one...and another one! We ended up having to leave the house around 5:30pm and not come home until almost 7pm.

Day 7 - 5 mile Long Run

Okay...I don't know what happened with this run but check this shit out! Maybe it was all the stress that I was finally able to just let go of by getting my feet on the pavement for a long run but y'all this felt amazing! I tried to keep my heart rate down and let that guide me but it was too hot and humid to consistently keep it below 150. I ran 0.4 and walked 0.1 until I was about 2.5 miles in. I had started my snacks around that time but for some reason just decided not to stop running. I had some fruit snacks that I ate and I was sipping my water as I was running. I decided I didn't need a walk break but I would take one if I needed it. Next thing I know I have about a mile left and I get this strange feeling like I'm taller than I am. I don't know how to describe it...but I felt my legs were longer, my torso was longer and like I was just looking down at the ground from higher up. I couldn't quite pin point how or why that feeling occurred (especially since I have some rolling hills to get back to my house and they suck at the end of a long run) but I made it up the hills without a problem and thought to myself I wonder if this is what my version of Runner's High is. I still don't know but I crushed this run and it felt so good!


Monday: Rest Day (I'm sure there will be showing requests) Tuesday: 3.8 mile Surges Wednesday: Strength for Runners and Core (maybe) Thursday: 3 mile Relaxed Run (14:30-15:30 pace - might do on treadmill to keep heart rate down again) Friday: 30 Minute Yoga Flow or Restorative (Peloton) Saturday: 5 mile Long Run (14:30-15:30 pace - I might forego pace depending on when I get outside and how hot and humid it is) Sunday: Rest Day/Pre-Hab/Foam Rolling

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