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Writer's pictureMyranda

Coast Guard Semper Paratus Challenge 2024 Training Week 9

On the plus side, the pain in my upper back is finally starting to subside! On the down side, I did not read through my training plan this week and missed that I was supposed to have a run on Thursday. I thought it was only Tuesday, Wednesday, Saturday, and Sunday...but I was wrong and didn't know it until almost 8pm on Thursday evening!


faded background of woman running on a trail with trees. text in black



TOTAL TIME: 5h 11m 53s

Day 1 - Rest Day

I had all intentions of doing some yoga but my back was just starting to feel good and I didn't want to stretch it and end up pulling something and be down again. When I mentioned last week about the upper back pain, I kind of glossed over it but it effected my sleep, it hurt to breathe deeply, it hurt to move and get dressed. Needless to say I was not willing to do anything to possibly take me out again.

Day 2 - Rest Day

Straight up paused because I wanted to nail my 6 miles the next day.

Day 3 - 6 miles with Fartleks

I had fun with this one. I meant to make it a workout but forgot to. I also mismanaged my time a bit. My daughter's school had early dismissal and I got to the trail with literally enough time to get my miles done and get home. I had 10 fartleks for 30 seconds each. I decided to do one fartlek in the first and last miles and then two farleks in the other 4 miles. I ended up finishing with just enough time to get home, change my shoes, grab the 4-wheeler and get to the bus stop. Talk about cutting it close

Day 4 - Rest Day

I missed the fact that I had a 4 mile run until almost 8pm. I did not do anything! Well, I started knocking out some crocheted items to sell. Working on some Spring Chicks and Easter Eggs along with book sleeves but that's for a post in a different part of the website!

Day 5 - Rest Day I had no energy at all! I wanted to do some kind of full body workout but by the time I felt like I was up for it, it was bed time.

Day 6 - 3 treadmill miles I opted to do a run walk for this one. I went back and forth between doing a class, watching a movie or show, or listening to music and putting a YouTube scenic video on. I opted to watch The Resident. All of my walks were for 1/10 of a mile at 2.5 speed. For the majority of my run portions they were 4/10 of a mile (don't come at me and say reduce that to 2/5 because no) at 4.6. The first run was at 4.3 and then the last run started at 4.6 and increased by 0.1 in speed every tenth of a mile. Then I walked one last tenth to make it a 5K because that's more impressive then just 3 miles. IYKYK.

Day 7 - 10 mile long run This was a doozy! It started great! The weather was perfect! I got to wear shorts and a tank top. I had my salt tablets (I take at the 30 min mark) and my Honey Stinger gels (I take at the 60 min mark), preworkout in one waist band water bottle and electrolytes in the other, and a camel pack filled with water and my post run Cliff bar. I met up with a fellow mom and we ran my first 2 miles together before she turned around and went back. Around 7.5 miles I started to slow down because I felt a little tug behind my right knee. It didn't hurt so I kept going. At 8.5 miles I decided to walk the rest.

My ego tried to take a beating for stopping but in the end I knew that I was finally listening to my body and possibly prevented injury. Now it was 1.5 miles to finish the 10 miles and then I had to hobble up the hill 3/10 of a mile to get back to the car. Overall I don't like that my leg hurts but I'm glad I didn't push to keep going to the end.

WHAT'S ON DECK FOR NEXT WEEK: I don't know if it's a pulled muscle or what behind my knee but I feel like it is taking me out this coming week. I highly doubt that I will do any of the full mileage this week period let alone 11 miles on Sunday. It will all depend on my knee/leg.

faded background of woman running on a trail with trees. text in black

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