Before I jump in, I want to remind y'all that this post is only covering Monday - Thursday and I'll have a separate post coming with the race weekend recap. I took this week very easy. I wanted to make sure that I was as rested as could possibly be to limit my chances of hurting myself and I would say that it was a success!
REMINDER OF WHAT I WAS SUPPOSED TO DO Monday: REST (Stack: 15 min Hip Mobility)
Tuesday: 3 miles w/5x20 seconds hard effort + 3x30 seconds hard effort
Wednesday: Yoga, Core, or Rest
Thursday: Rest or 1 easy mile
TOTAL TIME: 43m 21s
Day 1 - Rest Day
I had all intentions of doing the hip mobility but opted to just rest and take it easy especially after killing my treadmill the day before!
Day 2 - Morning Mobility, 3 miles, Evening Mobility, and Hip Mobility

I got to run outside this day! It was beautiful and warm. I did the morning mobility class when I finished work and as soon as my husband was done working I hit the trail! I did a 1 mile warm up, used the next mile for the speed work, and the last mile as a cool down. I did about equal speed and recovery. I knocked out the first set of 5x20 seconds in about the first half mile, walked a little more, jogged and then did the second set of 3x30 seconds in the last half mile. Definitely my favorite trail to run on and can't wait to do some longer runs out there throughout the year! I did the evening mobility and hip mobility back to back right before bed.
Day 3 - 5 minute Core Strength
You wouldn't think a 5 minute core class would do much...and you would be wrong...just like me! I thought oh this will be quick and easy. Yes it was quick but no it wasn't easy. It was two moves and the whole class was an AMRAP (As Many Rounds As Possible). I think I made it 3 or 4 rounds.
Day 4 - 20 minute Focus Flow: Cow Face Pose
If I'm being completely honest...I misread this class. I did not see the word "face" between cow and pose. I know what cow face pose is, I don't always remember the name, I also know that I lack the mobility to physically do this pose right now.
We have a good drive ahead of us and literally running all weekend! I don't want to give too much of anything away but here's the plan!
Friday: Expo, 4pm start time for 5K
Saturday: 7:30am start time for Half Marathon